The Magic to Track your emotions during a depressive situation?

Hina Tariq
5 min readOct 16, 2020

Track your emotion

Emotional changes reflect in your daily mode and change your whole day. What kind of emotion did you feel today? Were you energetic? Sad?Happy? If I ask you to recall your emotions from the last couple of hours then it pretty easy but if ask you about a couple of days it becomes hard for you to recall. What if I ask you about a couple of months it becomes harder for you to recall all that stuff.

Emotion influence our life as well every minute of life. Suppose, you have a bad day at work than your work affected by your mode. You never concentrate on creative things and new ideas and You feel just frustrated and lost your motivation towards work. When you’re angry with someone, all the day you are getting annoyed with everyone. Losing track of emotion means losing control of everything

1. Track Mood swings

Emotional changes reflect in your daily mode and change your whole day. What kind of emotion did you feel today? Were you energetic? Sad? Happy? .If I ask you to recall your emotions from the last couple of hours then it pretty easy but if ask you about a couple of days it becomes hard for you to recall. What if I ask you about a couple of months it becomes harder for you to recall all that stuff.

Emotion influences our life as well every minute of life. Suppose, you have a bad day at work than your work affected by your mode. You never concentrate on creative things and new ideas and you feel just frustrated and lost your motivation towards work. When you’re angry with someone, all the day you are getting annoyed with everyone. Losing track of emotion means losing control of everything.

2.Control on Emotions

One important thing for people is earning for example, when Corona spreading all over the world every marketplace shutting down. Every country applied rules and policies to save their people. A shopkeeper waiting for clients but no one comes. A Shopkeeper gets annoyed for money, it will definitely trigger their emotion towards negativity it converts it to frustration and anger. The Shopkeeper, budget, or planning might be affected by his sales. The shopkeeper spends less money and revises their plan accordingly.

The inflow and outflow of money have great importance on life as well as emotions. The check and balance of emotions should be kept in mind. Keep eye on emotions that how we feel anger, why I am feeling this way, and any reason behind this. Am I turn this negativity into a positive way?

Let’s practices four things & highlighted them

Write down during the day following things

1. In the morning your general thinking.

2. Today events of the day

3. Reaction to your emotion about what happening

4. Ability to handle emotion

You can keep eyes on emotion throughout the day, your mood swings with emotion. When there is a good day everything going accordingly then you felt good and energetic and vice versa. After all, it’s in human nature and it might be hard to control it. Most important:

3.Mood vary with Situation

Since it is impossible to keep and maintain your mood the same as happy as all day. Some people build pressure on their self to stay positive and put more and more pressure on emotions

First of all, take initiative to observe your mood and atmosphere of the workplace and surroundings until the end of the day. Recalling and analyze feeling thought-out the day either you are calm or anxious or sad. You might not know that fresh morning and greeting from family or friends and the workplace make you more energetic the whole day. If early in the morning you got some bad news or heard something bad from the workplace then your mood getting off and you lose your temper on little things.

4.Mood vary with Situation

Since it is impossible to keep and maintain your mood the same as happy as all day. Some people build pressure on their self to stay positive and put more and more pressure on emotions

First of all, take initiative to observe your mood and atmosphere of the workplace and surroundings until the end of the day. Recalling and analyze feeling thought-out the day either you are calm or anxious or sad. You might not know that fresh morning and greeting from family or friends and the workplace make you more energetic the whole day. If early in the morning you got some bad news or heard something bad from the workplace then your mood getting off and you lose your temper on little things.

One thing which we suggest you set a goal of mood observation you will notice your mood swings and write it down on a notepad. In this modern era, there are different apps that are used in mood swings like the Mood tracker app is from one of them. Just try it out for a week to rate your mood with all events and situations coming your way. Which helps you to check and measure your capability? Over emotions control.

Although changes still coming throughout the day, now you will see a more positive experience when you feed your mood with positivity this will boost your strength. Negative emotion is like yank food which is harmful to health. Once you know that yank food is harmful to health then you will eat less and one day you will totally avoid them. So, the same for negative emotion once you know that bad situations make you angry or sad and irritated. No one in this world faces a happy and sound situation all the time. The Human need to practices that situation will not be according to my way.

What we should do is to stay stable make sure that situation and events will not affect our mood. How will we do that practices to assure that it will not affect and make trouble? We should need to highlight or marked our emotions with events then analyze them. At the end of the week, now let’s start from Monday check-marked area of emotional swings.

Affect of mood on your behavior and how long it could maintain pressure on your mind and keep you angry. Sometimes we expect appreciation from others but when they don’t appreciate us. We are de-motivated and angry with ourselves and with others all day. When you compared your emotion weekly with the previous week. Then, you realized how much emotion changes your mood during a day.

Now to some extend you avoid it pay little attention to your emotion and once you recognize your emotion then you make fun of this. Now you realize the corona type situation is coming in your way again then how will you manage all your frustration how you overcome your stress and control over yourself.



Hina Tariq

Hina is a blog writer from Pakistan.